4:00-8:00 PM Movie & Dinner
Join us for the Summer movie series!
Winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2006, The Lives of Others is a poignant, suspenseful, and hopeful story of love and courage in the face of surveillance by the Stasi secret police and pervasive official corruption in the last years of East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Only a few privileged citizens, like renowned playwright Georg Dreyman and his beloved lead actress Crista-Maria, are allowed to lead private lives – but at a cost that soon becomes unbearable. As the situation changes, the main characters, and especially the Stasi officer surveilling them, discover a deeper humanity and find remarkable courage to rise above their own self-interest. Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score 96%. R rated for brief scene of nudity. In German, with excellent English subtitles.
Garden Salad
Baked Stuffed Haddock
Klondike Bar
$30 inclusive per person
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