4:00-8:00 PM Movie & Dinner
Start the summer movie series with a uniformly acclaimed classic, the original 1957 version of 12 Angry Men. Regarded by many as one of the greatest films ever made, it tells the story of a jury as they deliberate the conviction or acquittal of an inner city boy on a charge of murder. W a t c h s o m e o f t h e industry’s greatest actors (Henry Fonda, Lee J Cobb, E . G . M a r s h a l l , J a c k Klugman) portray the jurors as their deliberations force them to question their morals and values.
Come and watch 12 Angry Men and participate in what promises to be vigorous discussion. Decide whether it is “a masterpiece that transcends time and place” as claimed by critics? Debate whether the jury issues and dynamics would be the same in today’s environment? And come learn more about one of our Constitution’s most enlightened principles – that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty beyond a “reasonable doubt”.
4:00 pm Start Time
Dinner about 6:15 after the movie. BYOB.
Option 1) Chicken Ceasar Wrap $13.50
Option 2) Chicken Harvest Bowl $19.50
Option 3) Chicken Carnitas Bowl $19.00
Option 4) Garden Cobb Salad $15.00
Option 5) Veggie Salad $15.00
***If you need to change or cancel your registration, REREGISTER FROM SCRATCH with updated information and a comment. Do not ADD ON to the original registration. REREGISTER COMPLETELY, even if it’s with zeros.***